CIDEA combines expertise in Materials Engineering, Construction Technology, and Environmental Sustainability, conducting experimental activities in the field of eco-sustainable materials for some time, focused on applied research, the development of research projects of public interest, and technology transfer with entities and companies.
In particular, CIDEA relies on skills that enable the correlation between structure, microstructure, and the physical and mechanical properties of materials to optimize mix designs based on the technological properties of interest.
In CASA, it will handle the treatment and incorporation of biochar and ceramic waste into concrete, as well as the development of plastic fibers reinforced with biochar and the evaluation of their effects in concrete.



Scientific Coordinator of the Project

Associate Professor in Construction Technology (ICAR/09) – DIA, UniPR
Personal University Website: LINK
Scopus Author profile: LINK
fib SAG sustainability: LINK

Patrizia Bernardi, a civil engineer, earned her Ph.D. in Structural Engineering at the University of Pisa in 2003; she then became a University Researcher (2007-2020) and since 2020 has been an Associate Professor in Construction Technology at the Department of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Parma. Since 2024, she has been the Delegate of the Director for Quality of Teaching, Research, and Third Mission.
Since 2003, she has taught several courses at the University of Parma in the Bachelor and Master’s Degree programs in Civil Engineering and Architecture.
She is the author of over 110 scientific publications, with research focused on developing non-linear constitutive bonds for the analysis of reinforced concrete structures, FEM modeling of reinforced and/or fiber-reinforced concrete elements and prefabricated structures, seismic risk mapping of road infrastructures through the construction of fragility curves, and the experimental evaluation of the mechanical properties and durability of cementitious materials containing waste products as additives or partial substitutes for cement or aggregates (biochar, recycled plastic materials, vitrified municipal solid waste ashes, vitrified beads, composite synthetic material waste, ceramic materials, recycled aggregates from demolition), steel-concrete bond strength of eco-concrete reinforced structures, and the experimental evaluation of the effects of steel fiber insertion into concrete.
She is currently, and has been, the scientific coordinator/participant in numerous research projects or agreements between DIA and public/private entities on the development of sustainable cementitious materials incorporating waste materials.
She is a member of the working group: fib SAG – Special Activity Group: Sustainability, TG.SAG.2 – Sustainable Concrete Structures.


Full Professor in Construction Technology (ICAR/09) – DIA, UniPR

Personal University Website: LINK
Scopus Author profile:  LINK
fib SAG sustainability: LINK

Beatrice Belletti, a civil engineer, earned her Ph.D. in Structural Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Turin in 2001. She became a University Researcher in 2004, an Associate Professor in 2015, and a Full Professor in 2020 in the field of Construction Technology at the University of Parma.
Since 2000, she has taught several courses at the University of Parma, within the Bachelor and Master’s Degree programs in Civil Engineering and Architecture.
She is the author of over 290 scientific publications on international and national conference proceedings and journals, with research topics including finite element modeling of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures, the development of non-linear constitutive bonds for structural analysis, structural robustness, corrosion, and prediction of the residual life of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures, and experimental research on eco-concretes made with waste products (biochar, recycled plastic materials, vitrified municipal solid waste ashes, vitrified beads, composite synthetic material waste, ceramic materials, recycled aggregates from demolition).
She is currently, and has been, the scientific coordinator/participant in numerous research projects and agreements between DIA and public/private entities on the topic of existing structures and infrastructures, seismic risk, and sustainable cementitious materials incorporating waste.
She is a member of various working groups (fib SAG – Special Activity Group: Sustainability, TG.SAG.2 – Sustainable Concrete Structures; fib Commission TG3.2 fib: Existing concrete structures; fib WP2.2.1: Shear in Beams; fib AG 10: Developing technical recommendations for robustness for fib Model Code 2020; fib TG2.4: Computer-Based Modelling and Design; fib AG 8: Non-Linear Finite Element Modelling; CEN/TC250/WG6 Robustness Commission; UNI/CT 021/GL 06 “Robustness” Technical Committee).
Since 2020, she has been the Coordinator of the UNI/CT 021/GL 06 “Robustness” group.


Associate Professor in Construction Engineering (ICAR/09) – DIA, UniPR

Personal University Website LINK
Scopus Author profile: LINK

Elena Michelini, who graduated in civil engineering, earned a PhD in Civil Engineering with a focus on Structural Mechanics from the University of Parma in 2007. She subsequently held positions as a Research Fellow (2008-2016), a Fixed-term Researcher (RTDa from 2016 to 2021, RTDb from 2021 to 2024), and from 2024, she is an Associate Professor in Construction Engineering at the Department of Engineering and Architecture at the University of Parma. Since 2008, she has been responsible for various courses at the University of Parma within the Bachelor and Master’s degrees in Civil Engineering and Architecture, and the professional-oriented Bachelor’s degree in Construction, Infrastructure, and Territory.

She is the author of about a hundred scientific publications, with her main research topics being the development of nonlinear constitutive relationships for the analysis of reinforced concrete structures; FEM modeling of reinforced concrete and/or FRC elements, prefabricated structures, and tunnel linings, even in the presence of fire; seismic vulnerability analysis of existing buildings of strategic importance; assessment of the structural performance of existing buildings and road infrastructures through the construction of fragility curves; mechanical characterization and numerical modeling of the behavior of autoclaved aerated concrete masonry; and the development and characterization of sustainably activated alkaline materials containing waste. She is currently and has been involved in numerous research projects and agreements between the DIA and public/private entities on the subject of existing structures and infrastructures, seismic risk, and the development and characterization of sustainable construction materials. She is a member of the fib Task Group 7.7 “Sustainable Concrete Masonry Components and Structures.


RTD-A Researcher in Construction Engineering (ICAR/09) – DIA, UniPR

Personal University Website: LINK
Scopus Author profile: LINK
fib SAG sustainability: LINK

Alice Sirico graduated with a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering in 2013 from the University of Parma, where she also earned her PhD in Civil Engineering and Architecture in 2017. Since December 31, 2021, she has been a Fixed-Term Researcher (type A) in Construction Engineering at the Department of Engineering and Architecture at the University of Parma. Since 2021, she has been teaching at the University of Parma in the Master’s degree courses in Civil Engineering and Architecture.

She has authored over 50 scientific publications, focusing on the development of nonlinear constitutive relationships for the analysis of ordinary and fiber-reinforced concrete structures, also under high temperatures; FEM analysis of ordinary and prestressed concrete elements; experimental evaluation of the mechanical properties and durability of innovative cementitious materials containing waste materials such as biochar, recycled granulated plastics, vitrified municipal solid waste ashes, vitrified beads, composite synthetic material waste, ceramic materials, and recycled aggregates from demolition; and the study of the bond strength of traditional concretes and eco-concretes reinforced with steel bars.

She has been the scientific leader of a research project assessing the mechanical behavior and durability of reinforced and non-reinforced concretes containing vitrified municipal solid waste ashes. She is currently involved in various research projects and agreements between the DIA and public/private entities on the development of sustainable cementitious materials containing waste materials.

She is a member of the working group: fib SAG – Special Activity Group: Sustainability, TG.SAG.2 – Sustainable Concrete Structures.


Full Professor in Materials Science and Technology (ING-IND/22) – DISTI, UniPR

Personal University Website: LINK
Scopus Author profile: LINK

Daniel Milanese has been a Full Professor of Materials Science and Technology at the University of Parma since 2019. He earned his PhD in Materials Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Milan in 2001, and subsequently held positions as a Researcher (2002-2014) and Associate Professor (2014-2019) at the Polytechnic University of Turin.

His research interests focus on the study and fabrication of sustainable materials for packaging, construction, and industrial applications. His work encompasses the entire value chain from the synthesis of polymeric matrices, their processing, to the creation of functional samples and prototypes. Daniel Milanese also collaborates with the Construction Engineering group at the University of Parma on the development of sustainable cementitious materials containing inorganic and organic waste through the selection and characterization of waste materials and the verification of their integration into cementitious materials.

Daniel Milanese is the author of over 190 peer-reviewed articles and holds 2 European patents. He has been involved in several research projects, is the coordinator of the H2020 MSCA-ITN project “Photonics for Healthcare: Multiscale Cancer Diagnostic and Therapy – PHAST”, and is the Scientific Director for the University of Parma for the PRIN 2022 NOVAPACK project. Prof. Milanese has spent periods conducting research at the Optoelectronics Research Center at the University of Southampton (UK), the College of Optical Sciences at the University of Arizona (USA), and the Research Laboratory of Electronics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA). He was an Associate Editor for the OSA Journal Optical Materials Express (2014-2018), is a delegate of the Rector for technology transfer at the University of Parma, and is a Senior Member of Optica, a member of the Italian Association of Materials Engineering (AIMAT), and the Italian Association of Science and Technology of Macromolecules (AIM).


RTD-A Researcher in Materials Science and Technology (ING-IND/22) – DISTI, UniPR

Personal University Website: LINK
Scopus Author profile: LINK

Corrado Sciancalepore graduated in Chemistry from the University of Bari and then earned a PhD in High Mechanics and Automotive Design and Technology – Design of High Performance Materials from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Since 2019, he has been a Fixed-Term Researcher (type A) in Materials Science and Technology at the University of Parma.

His research primarily focuses on the study of polymer matrix composite materials, their synthesis, and functional and structural characterization, alongside significant work on the study and characterization of polymeric, ceramic, and metallic materials for additive manufacturing technologies (FDM, SLA, and SLS).

In the field of composite materials, his studies have been directed towards different methods of obtaining hybrid systems with a polymer matrix loaded with metallic nanoparticles (Ag) and inorganic oxides (Fe3O4, TiO2) through both in-situ and ex-situ preparative approaches. The presence of nanoparticles imparts functional properties not found in the original polymeric material, providing antibacterial, magnetic, and optoelectronic characteristics for potential applications in technology sectors such as biomedical, automotive, sensor technology, and food and agriculture. Corrado Sciancalepore is the author of over 50 peer-reviewed articles and collaborates on various research projects at regional and national levels.


University Researcher in Agricultural Genetics (AGR/07) – SCVSA, UniPR

Personal University Website: LINK
Scopus Author profile: LINK

Alessio Malcevschi, who graduated in Chemistry, is affiliated with the Department of Chemical Sciences, Life Sciences, and Environmental Sustainability (SCVSA) at the University of Parma and has been involved in sustainability for many years. Since 1997, he has been a University Researcher in Agricultural Genetics.

Since 1997, he has also been the lead instructor for various courses in agricultural genetics and bioremediation at the University of Parma. Since 2019, he has been teaching “International Cooperation in Food Sustainability” at the Department of Economic and Business Sciences at the University of Parma.

Additionally, he serves as the Rector’s delegate for the Network of Universities for Sustainable Development (RUS) and represents the University of Parma at the SDGs table of ASviS. He also organizes the city’s Sustainable Development Festival ASviS on behalf of the University of Parma. In the project, he will handle communication and dissemination on topics related to the circular economy and the Sustainable Development Goals set by the 2030 Agenda.

His current research themes include the chemical-physical analysis of biochar produced by pyrolysis and gasification plants fueled by residual biomass from agro-industrial activities and its use in environmental and building applications.


Projects and Publications of the Research Group

Partecipazione a bandi competitivi del gruppo di ricerca sul tema dello sviluppo di materiali da costruzione sostenibili:

Titolo progetto: CIRCOMP – “Calcestruzzi CIRcolari da rifiuti COMPositi”
– Tipo finanziamento: Bando per il cofinanziamento di progetti di ricerca volti allo sviluppo di tecnologie per la prevenzione, il recupero, il riciclaggio ed il trattamento di rifiuti non rientranti nelle categorie già servite da consorzi di filiera, all’ecodesign dei prodotti ed alla corretta gestione dei relativi rifiuti – Edizione 2021
– Durata: 24 mesi, dal 02/10/2023
– Responsabile scientifico del progetto: Patrizia Bernardi
– Team di Ricerca UNIPR: Beatrice Belletti, Roberto Cerioni, Alice Sirico, Daniel Milanese, Corrado Sciancalepore, Giuseppe Vignali, Arianna Paini, Monica Cocconi, Stefania Pedrabissi, Nicola Granato, Alessio Malcevschi

Titolo progetto: CALCINVETRI – “Calcestruzzi ecosostenibili contenenti inerti da vetrificazione di scorie di rifiuti solidi urbani termovalorizzati”
– Ente finanziatore: REGIONE EMILIA ROMAGNA
– Tipo finanziamento: Bando “Alte competenze per la ricerca e il trasferimento tecnologico POR FSE 2014/2020 Obiettivo tematico 10”; Ambito b) risorse umane per la specializzazione intelligente
– Durata: 12 mesi, 16/09/2020-15/09/2021
– Responsabile scientifico del progetto: Patrizia Bernardi
– Assegnista sul progetto: Alice Sirico
– Team di Ricerca: Beatrice Belletti, Daniel Milanese, Corrado Sciancalepore

Titolo progetto: IMPReSA – “Impiego di Materiali Plastici da Riciclo per malte e calcestruzzi Strutturali Alleggeriti”
– Ente finanziatore: REGIONE EMILIA ROMAGNA
– Tipo finanziamento: POR-FESR EMILIA ROMAGNA 2014-2020 – ASSE 1: RICERCA E INNOVAZIONE, Azione 1.2.2 “Supporto alla realizzazione di progetti complessi di attività di ricerca e sviluppo su poche aree tematiche di rilievo e all’applicazione di soluzioni tecnologiche funzionali alla realizzazione della strategia di S3”, Bando 2108, Progetti di ricerca industriale strategica rivolti agli ambiti prioritari della Strategia di Specializzazione Intelligente.
– Capofila: En&Tech (UniMORE)
– Durata: dal 25/07/2019 al 28/02/2022
– Responsabile scientifico: Emilio Radi (UniMORE – En&Tech)
– Team di Ricerca UNIPR: Alessio Malcevschi (Responsabile Unità), Beatrice Belletti, Patrizia Bernardi, Alice Sirico

Publications of the Research Group on the Development of Sustainable Construction Materials (2019-2024):

Sirico, A., Bernardi, P., Belletti, B., Sciancalepore, C., Milanese, D., Paini, A., Vignali, G. (2024). “Environmental and mechanical analysis of low‐carbon concrete with vitrified MSW incineration bottom ash as cement replacement”. Structural Concrete, 1-23, 10.1002/suco.202300615.

Sirico, A., Bernardi, P., Sciancalepore, C., Belletti, B., Milanese, D. and Malcevschi, A., (2023). Combined effects of biochar and recycled plastic aggregates on mechanical behavior of concrete. Structural Concrete, Open Access, 24(5): 6721-37, doi 10.1002/suco.202200949.

Sirico A., Belletti B., Bernardi P., Malcevschi A., Pagliari F., Fornoni P., Moretti E. (2022). Effects of biochar addition on long-term behavior of concrete. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 122, Article number 103626. doi: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2022.103626.

Sirico, A., Bernardi P., Sciancalepore C., Vecchi F., Malcevschi A., Belletti B., Milanese, D. (2021). Biochar from wood waste as additive for structural concrete. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, vol. 303, art. n. 124500. doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.124500.

Sirico A., Bernardi P., Belletti B., Malcevschi A., Dalcanale E., Domenichelli I., Fornoni P., Moretti E. (2020). Mechanical characterization of cement-based materials containing biochar from gasification. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, vol. 246, art. n. 118490, doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.118490.

Sirico A., Bernardi P., Belletti B., Malcevschi A., Restuccia L., Ferro G. A., Suarez-Riera D., (2020). Biochar-based cement pastes and mortars with enhanced mechanical properties”. FRATTURA E INTEGRITÀ STRUTTURALE, vol. 54, pp. 294-313, doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.54.21.

Bernardi P., Sirico A., Paini, A., Belletti B, Vignali G., (2024). “Evaluation of mechanical properties and carbon footprint of biochar-added concrete”. Proceedings of fib ICCS _ International Conference on Concrete Sustainability, 11-13 September Guimarães, Portugal.

Sirico, A., Bernardi P., Belletti B., Malcevschi, A. (2024). “Use of Plastic Waste for the Development of Green Lightweight Structural Concrete”. Lectures Notes in Civil Engineering 43, 190-203, Italian Concrete Conference ICC2022, Naples, 12-15 Oct 2022, doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-43102-9_16, ISBN 978-303143101-2.

Plaza, P., Sirico, A., Palii O., Belletti, B., Bernardi, P., Medina, C., Sánchez, J. (2023). Chloride migration for concrete containing recycled aggregate and supplementary cementitious material. Proc. of 3rd CACRCS Workshop on Capacity Assessment of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Structures, Parma, September 13-15 2023.

Belletti, B., Bernardi, P., Fornoni, P., Malcevschi, A., Sirico, A. (2023). Development of sustainable cementitious materials by using biochar Lectures Notes in Civil Engineering 351, 427-440, Italian Concrete Conference ICC2021, virtual, online, 14-17 Apr 2021, doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-37955-0_31; ISBN 978-303137954-3.

Belletti B., Bernardi P., Sirico A., Balbo A., Zanotto F. (2022), “Experimental bond behaviour of reinforced concrete with recycled plastic aggregates”. Proceedings of 6th fib International Congress 2022 “Concrete Innovation for sustainability”, Oslo, Norway,12-16 June 2022, 807-816, code 286399, ISBN 978-294064315-8.

Zanotto, F., Sirico, A., Merchiori, S., Vecchi, F., Balbo, A., Bernardi, P., Belletti, B., Malcevschi, A., Grassi, V., Monticelli, C. (2022). “Durability of Reinforced Concrete Containing Biochar and Recycled Polymers”. In Key Engineering Materials, 919 KEM: pp. 188-196, Trans Tech Publications Ltd, International workshop on Engineered Materials For Sustainable Structures (EM4SS21), online, 26 – 28 April 2021, open access.

Sirico A., Bernardi P., Sciancalepore C., Milanese D., Ferraris M., Belletti B. (2021), “Fracture behavior of concretes containing MSWI vitrified bottom ash”, Procedia Structural Integrity 39 (C), 494-502, code 147548 (Gold open access).

Sirico A., Vecchi F., Sciancalepore C., Belletti B., Bernardi P., Malcevschi A., Milanese D. (2021), “Mechanical Properties of Concretes Containing Biochar and Recycled Plastic Aggregate”, Proceedings of fib Symposium “Concrete Structures: New Trends for Eco-Efficiency and Performance”, online 14-16 June 2021.

Zanotto, F., Sirico A., Vecchi, F., Balbo A., Bernardi P., Belletti B., Malcevschi A., Grassi V. Merchiori, S., Monticelli, C., (2021), “Durability of reinforced concrete containing biochar”. fib CACRCS DAYS 2020, Virtual, online – 2nd workshop on Capacity Assessment of Corroded RC Structures, 1-4 Dec 2020, pp. 65-72.

Restuccia, L., Ferro, G. A., Suarez-Riera, D., Sirico, A., Bernardi, P., Belletti, B., & Malcevschi, A. (2020). “Mechanical characterization of different biochar-based cement composites”. Procedia Structural Integrity, focussed on VCSI 2020 First Virtual Conference on Structural Integrity, vol. 25, pp. 226-233, ISSN: 2452-3216, doi: 10.1016/j.prostr.2020.04.027.

Belletti B., Bernardi P., Malcevschi A., Sirico A., (2019), “Experimental research on mechanical properties of biochar-added cementitious mortars”, Proceedings of fib Symposium 2019 “Concrete – Innovations in Materials, Design and Structures”, Krakov, Poland, 27-29 May 2019, 415-422.

Bernardi, P., Sirico, A., Belletti, B., Paini, A., & Vignali, G. (2022). Prestazioni eco-meccaniche di calcestruzzi contenenti ceneri vetrificate da rifiuti solidi urbani soggetti ad incenerimento / Eco-mechanical performances of concrete containing vitrified ash derived from municipal solid waste incineration, In Italian Concrete Conference ICC2022, Napoli, 12-15 Ott 2022, pp. 45-52.

Belletti, B., Bernardi, P., Ravasini, S., Sirico, A., Milanese, D., Sciancalepore, C., Malavasi, M., Cortese, A. (2023). Vitrified beads as aggregate replacement for sustainable cementitious materials. IALCCE2023, Eight International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, Milano, July 2-6, 2023.

Plaza, P., Medina, C., Sirico, A., Belletti, B., Bernardi, P., Sánchez, J. (2023). Use of coarse recycled concrete aggregates and vitrified MSW ash in eco-concrete design. IALCCE2023, Eight International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, Milano, July 2-6, 2023.

Belletti, B., Bernardi, P., Sirico, A. (2023). Use of bottom ash from municipal solid waste incineration for the development of green concrete with reduced carbon footprint. 6th MatER Meeting & 7th Conference on Final Sinks, Piacenza, June 2023.

Ruffini V., Cappucci G.M., Neri P., Sirico A., Zanotto F., Balbo A., Belletti B., Bernardi P., Malcevschi A., Monticelli C., Ferrari A.M. (2022). “Life cycle assessment of a bridge column made of concrete and biochar”, Proceedings of the Symposium SUM 2022 “Sixth Symposium On Circular Economy And Urban Mining”, Capri, Italy, 18-20 May 2022

Belletti B., Bernardi P., Malcevschi A., Milanese D., Sciancalepore C., Sirico A., Vecchi F. (2021), “Development of innovative circular cementitious materials containing waste”, Proceedings of 5th MatER (materials & energy from refuse) Meeting & 6th Conference on Final Sinks “Recovery & Final Sinks for an Effective Waste Management”, 7-9 June 2021, Piacenza (Italy).

Belletti B., Bernardi P., Malcevschi A., Sirico A. (2019), “Application of biochar for the development of carbon sink building materials”, IBI Biochar World Congress 2019, 10 -14 November 2019, Seoul, Korea.