
En&Tech has specific equipment and know-how to design the compositional curve, produce, and cure cementitious materials containing waste. Additionally, En&Tech has long collaborated with companies in the field of composite and structured materials, with the goal of improving performance, durability, and resistance to aggressive environments.
In the CASA project, En&Tech will handle the mechanical treatment of waste, if not performed by companies, the production of samples for laboratory testing, durability and aging tests under prescribed environmental conditions, and thermal and acoustic conductivity tests. The center also has expertise in conducting Life Cycle Assessments to quantify and maximize the environmental benefits of different formulations. Its role in the project is to highlight the assets of recycled materials, emphasizing product benefits and minimizing defects.



Coordinator of the En&Tech Unit – Full Professor in Structural Science (ICAR/08) – En&Tech – DISMI, UniMORE
Email enrico.radi@unimore.it
Personal University Website: LINK
Scopus Author profile: LINK

Enrico Radi graduated with honors in Civil Engineering in 1988 from the University of Bologna and obtained his Ph.D. in 1993 from the same institution. From 1995, he was a University Researcher at the University of Ferrara, and in 1998, he became an Associate Professor at the University of Cagliari and, since 2000, at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Since 2005, he has been a Full Professor in Structural Science at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
From 2010 to 2017, he served as the Scientific Director of the En&Tech Interdepartmental Center for industrial research in Reggio Emilia, part of the High Technology Network of the Emilia Romagna Region, and since 2017, he has been the Director of the same Center.
Since 1994, he has taught several courses in the Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree programs: Structural Science, Advanced Structural Science, Computational Mechanics, Rational Mechanics, Solid and Structural Mechanics, Computational Structural Analysis, Design of Sustainable Industrial Buildings and Plants.
He is a member of the Faculty Board of the Ph.D. School in Industrial Engineering at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
He is the author of about 100 scientific articles published in international journals and about 70 papers presented at national and international conferences, both theoretical and experimental, on solid and structural mechanics. His Scopus H-index is 20.
He has been the Scientific Coordinator/Unit Leader for the following national research projects:
– 2002-2003 industrial research project: Retaining walls subjected to high-intensity seismic actions, comparisons between model test results and static and dynamic calculation methods. Funded by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
– 2004 PRIN research project: Fracture toughness and macroscopic mechanical properties of materials with microstructures.
– 2009-2010 international research project: Modeling of fracture propagation in complex materials. Co-funded by the CRM Foundation of Modena and the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
– 2013/2014 applied research project for innovation: Development, modeling, and application of structural reinforcement systems made of carbon fiber and IPN resin composites for seismic upgrading, restoration, and consolidation of civil and industrial buildings: methodologies, performance, and failure analysis. Co-funded by the CRM Foundation of Modena.
– 2014/2020 POR-FESR project titled “Innovative Technologies for Reducing Seismic Risk in Buildings” (TiRiSiCo).
– 2014/2020 POR-FESR project titled “Use of Recycled Plastics for Lightweight Structural Mortars and Concretes” (IMPReSA).
– 2021/2027 POR-FESR project titled “Circular and Sustainable Concretes Additivated with Recycled Materials from Local Supply Chains” (CASA).


Research Fellow in Structural Science (ICAR/08) – En&Tech – DISMI, UniMORE
Email pietro.dimaida@unimore.it
Scopus Author profile: LINK

Pietro Di Maida graduated in Civil Engineering in 2004 from the University of Palermo and obtained his Ph.D. in Industrial Innovation Engineering in 2018 from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Since 01/08/2024, he has been a Research Fellow at the En&Tech Interdepartmental Center – UNIMORE.
His main experiences include the design of civil infrastructures, technical management of construction/civil sites, and work in Research & Development offices at construction material manufacturing companies.
His main research topics are cement-based composite materials, particularly fiber-reinforced mortars and concretes with metal and macrosynthetic fibers, addressing both mathematical modeling and experimental mechanical and chemical-physical characterization.
He also worked as a technician at the En&Tech Interdepartmental Center, where he was also involved in activities for the Accreditation of industrial research and technology transfer structures, part of the High Technology Network of Emilia Romagna, under DGR no. 1467/2018 (En&Tech Interdepartmental Center).