Sirico, A., Bernardi, P., Belletti, B., Sciancalepore, C., Milanese, D., Paini, A., Vignali, G. (2024). “Environmental and mechanical analysis of low‐carbon concrete with vitrified MSW incineration bottom ash as cement replacement”. Structural Concrete, 1-23, 10.1002/suco.202300615.
Sirico, A., Bernardi, P., Sciancalepore, C., Belletti, B., Milanese, D. and Malcevschi, A., (2023). Combined effects of biochar and recycled plastic aggregates on mechanical behavior of concrete. Structural Concrete, Open Access, 24(5): 6721-37, doi 10.1002/suco.202200949.
Sirico A., Belletti B., Bernardi P., Malcevschi A., Pagliari F., Fornoni P., Moretti E. (2022). Effects of biochar addition on long-term behavior of concrete. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 122, Article number 103626. doi: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2022.103626.
Sirico, A., Bernardi P., Sciancalepore C., Vecchi F., Malcevschi A., Belletti B., Milanese, D. (2021). Biochar from wood waste as additive for structural concrete. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, vol. 303, art. n. 124500. doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.124500.
Sirico A., Bernardi P., Belletti B., Malcevschi A., Dalcanale E., Domenichelli I., Fornoni P., Moretti E. (2020). Mechanical characterization of cement-based materials containing biochar from gasification. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, vol. 246, art. n. 118490, doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.118490.
Sirico A., Bernardi P., Belletti B., Malcevschi A., Restuccia L., Ferro G. A., Suarez-Riera D., (2020). Biochar-based cement pastes and mortars with enhanced mechanical properties”. FRATTURA E INTEGRITÀ STRUTTURALE, vol. 54, pp. 294-313, doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.54.21.
Bernardi P., Sirico A., Paini, A., Belletti B, Vignali G., (2024). “Evaluation of mechanical properties and carbon footprint of biochar-added concrete”. Proceedings of fib ICCS _ International Conference on Concrete Sustainability, 11-13 September Guimarães, Portugal.
Sirico, A., Bernardi P., Belletti B., Malcevschi, A. (2024). “Use of Plastic Waste for the Development of Green Lightweight Structural Concrete”. Lectures Notes in Civil Engineering 43, 190-203, Italian Concrete Conference ICC2022, Naples, 12-15 Oct 2022, doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-43102-9_16, ISBN 978-303143101-2.
Plaza, P., Sirico, A., Palii O., Belletti, B., Bernardi, P., Medina, C., Sánchez, J. (2023). Chloride migration for concrete containing recycled aggregate and supplementary cementitious material. Proc. of 3rd CACRCS Workshop on Capacity Assessment of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Structures, Parma, September 13-15 2023.
Belletti, B., Bernardi, P., Fornoni, P., Malcevschi, A., Sirico, A. (2023). Development of sustainable cementitious materials by using biochar Lectures Notes in Civil Engineering 351, 427-440, Italian Concrete Conference ICC2021, virtual, online, 14-17 Apr 2021, doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-37955-0_31; ISBN 978-303137954-3.
Belletti B., Bernardi P., Sirico A., Balbo A., Zanotto F. (2022), “Experimental bond behaviour of reinforced concrete with recycled plastic aggregates”. Proceedings of 6th fib International Congress 2022 “Concrete Innovation for sustainability”, Oslo, Norway,12-16 June 2022, 807-816, code 286399, ISBN 978-294064315-8.
Zanotto, F., Sirico, A., Merchiori, S., Vecchi, F., Balbo, A., Bernardi, P., Belletti, B., Malcevschi, A., Grassi, V., Monticelli, C. (2022). “Durability of Reinforced Concrete Containing Biochar and Recycled Polymers”. In Key Engineering Materials, 919 KEM: pp. 188-196, Trans Tech Publications Ltd, International workshop on Engineered Materials For Sustainable Structures (EM4SS21), online, 26 – 28 April 2021, open access.
Sirico A., Bernardi P., Sciancalepore C., Milanese D., Ferraris M., Belletti B. (2021), “Fracture behavior of concretes containing MSWI vitrified bottom ash”, Procedia Structural Integrity 39 (C), 494-502, code 147548 (Gold open access).
Sirico A., Vecchi F., Sciancalepore C., Belletti B., Bernardi P., Malcevschi A., Milanese D. (2021), “Mechanical Properties of Concretes Containing Biochar and Recycled Plastic Aggregate”, Proceedings of fib Symposium “Concrete Structures: New Trends for Eco-Efficiency and Performance”, online 14-16 June 2021.
Zanotto, F., Sirico A., Vecchi, F., Balbo A., Bernardi P., Belletti B., Malcevschi A., Grassi V. Merchiori, S., Monticelli, C., (2021), “Durability of reinforced concrete containing biochar”. fib CACRCS DAYS 2020, Virtual, online – 2nd workshop on Capacity Assessment of Corroded RC Structures, 1-4 Dec 2020, pp. 65-72.
Restuccia, L., Ferro, G. A., Suarez-Riera, D., Sirico, A., Bernardi, P., Belletti, B., & Malcevschi, A. (2020). “Mechanical characterization of different biochar-based cement composites”. Procedia Structural Integrity, focussed on VCSI 2020 First Virtual Conference on Structural Integrity, vol. 25, pp. 226-233, ISSN: 2452-3216, doi: 10.1016/j.prostr.2020.04.027.
Belletti B., Bernardi P., Malcevschi A., Sirico A., (2019), “Experimental research on mechanical properties of biochar-added cementitious mortars”, Proceedings of fib Symposium 2019 “Concrete – Innovations in Materials, Design and Structures”, Krakov, Poland, 27-29 May 2019, 415-422.
Bernardi, P., Sirico, A., Belletti, B., Paini, A., & Vignali, G. (2022). Prestazioni eco-meccaniche di calcestruzzi contenenti ceneri vetrificate da rifiuti solidi urbani soggetti ad incenerimento / Eco-mechanical performances of concrete containing vitrified ash derived from municipal solid waste incineration, In Italian Concrete Conference ICC2022, Napoli, 12-15 Ott 2022, pp. 45-52.
Belletti, B., Bernardi, P., Ravasini, S., Sirico, A., Milanese, D., Sciancalepore, C., Malavasi, M., Cortese, A. (2023). Vitrified beads as aggregate replacement for sustainable cementitious materials. IALCCE2023, Eight International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, Milano, July 2-6, 2023.
Plaza, P., Medina, C., Sirico, A., Belletti, B., Bernardi, P., Sánchez, J. (2023). Use of coarse recycled concrete aggregates and vitrified MSW ash in eco-concrete design. IALCCE2023, Eight International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, Milano, July 2-6, 2023.
Belletti, B., Bernardi, P., Sirico, A. (2023). Use of bottom ash from municipal solid waste incineration for the development of green concrete with reduced carbon footprint. 6th MatER Meeting & 7th Conference on Final Sinks, Piacenza, June 2023.
Ruffini V., Cappucci G.M., Neri P., Sirico A., Zanotto F., Balbo A., Belletti B., Bernardi P., Malcevschi A., Monticelli C., Ferrari A.M. (2022). “Life cycle assessment of a bridge column made of concrete and biochar”, Proceedings of the Symposium SUM 2022 “Sixth Symposium On Circular Economy And Urban Mining”, Capri, Italy, 18-20 May 2022
Belletti B., Bernardi P., Malcevschi A., Milanese D., Sciancalepore C., Sirico A., Vecchi F. (2021), “Development of innovative circular cementitious materials containing waste”, Proceedings of 5th MatER (materials & energy from refuse) Meeting & 6th Conference on Final Sinks “Recovery & Final Sinks for an Effective Waste Management”, 7-9 June 2021, Piacenza (Italy).
Belletti B., Bernardi P., Malcevschi A., Sirico A. (2019), “Application of biochar for the development of carbon sink building materials”, IBI Biochar World Congress 2019, 10 -14 November 2019, Seoul, Korea.